Wednesday 7 May 2014

Called to be a risen Easter people in a Good Friday world

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed.  Alleluia!

Every year as we journey through the season of Lent I feel this kind of dull pain  -- like my heart is getting tighter and tighter the closer we get to Holy Week.  And then as Palm Sunday service is ending I feel like I am holding my breath, waiting to exhale until the Easter Vigil.  It is not until I hear the Easter Proclamation “Alleluia!  Christ is risen” that I feel like I am able to breathe again.

And so each year during Holy Week I struggle – wanting to get past the pain of the crucifixion, eager to get through the darkness and into the light of the resurrection.

And each year as we re-live the journey through the cross in holy week culminating in the moment of the Easter Proclamation….. I rejoice in the knowledge that not only is Christ risen, but that we are risen with him.

During Holy week as we experience the heartbreaking journey of our lord on the road to the cross and through betrayal, pain and death we can come to know the Lord journeys with us in our times of fear, sorrow and loss.   We can be comforted that our Lord suffers with us.

And we through our faith in the risen Christ are able to give hope  --   to ourselves and others -- that in our good Friday world, there is wonder, beauty, compassion and kindness. 

While we may live in a good Friday world my friends
we  are called to be a risen Easter people.

Called to be the light of Christ in world
Called to support and love each other
Called to bring about god’s kingdom here on earth

Alleluia!  Christ is risen! 
The Lord is risen indeed.  Alleluia!

The Rev'd Christine Wilson
(excerpt from sermon Sat Easter Vigil April 19, 2014)